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Specialists in Farming Finance

When it comes to the agricultural industry, securing the right financing can be the key to growth and success. At Fundur, we specialise in providing tailored financial solutions to meet the unique needs of farmers and agricultural businesses. Welcome to our Farming Finance sector page, where you’ll discover how we can empower your agricultural endeavours.

Reliable & Personable Brokers

Reliable brokers, that you can trust.

As a fast-growing, independent finance arrangement service provider, we provide impartial, honest and straightforward solutions to support SME organisations across the UK.

Whether your business may be well-established or beginning its journey as a start-up, our team will remain a reliable, long-term finance partner to facilitate your growth and expansion plans.


Agriculture Finance Specialists

Fundur offers a wide range of financing options tailored to the agricultural industry, including:

  • Crop and Livestock Loans: Secure the capital needed for planting, growing, and harvesting crops or for managing your livestock operations.
  • Equipment Financing: Upgrade your farm’s equipment with our financing solutions, designed to improve efficiency and productivity.
  • Land Purchase and Expansion Loans: Whether you’re looking to expand your acreage or purchase additional land, we can help you navigate the complexities of real estate financing.
  • Operating Lines of Credit: Ensure you have the working capital necessary for day-to-day operations, including purchasing seeds, fertilizer, and livestock feed.
Our process is quick & simple

How does Farming Finance work?

1. Complete our form and confirm your requirements.

Using our very easy-to-use business finance application form, you simply complete the required information.

2. Application sent to underwriting for approval and terms agreed.

A Fundur Finance Expert will give you a call to confirm the success of your application.

3. See the funds released

Money is paid out, and now it’s time to start growing your business and use your new capital.

We love success stories

Once your new capital is paid out to you, let’s not leave it there. Keep in touch and we will build a success story around your journey.

Access funding for agriculture purposes now:

Agriculture Funding FAQs

Do you provide funding for farm expansions or new agricultural projects?2023-08-30T09:08:39+01:00

Yes, we can provide funding for farm expansions and new agricultural projects. Whether you’re looking to purchase additional land, invest in new equipment, or diversify your farming operations, we have financing options tailored to help you achieve your goals.

Can Fundur assist with refinancing existing farming loans?2023-08-30T09:07:18+01:00

Yes, we can assist with refinancing existing farming loans. If you have existing agricultural loans with less favourable terms, higher interest rates, or a need for restructuring, we can explore refinancing options to potentially lower your costs and improve your financial situation.

What are the eligibility criteria for obtaining farming finance?2023-08-30T08:56:44+01:00

Eligibility criteria may vary depending on the type of farming funding you require. In general, we consider factors such as your farming experience, credit history, business plan, and the purpose of the funds. Get in touch with our experienced advisors will work closely with you to determine your eligibility and guide you through the application process.

What types of farming funding do we offer?2023-08-30T09:01:55+01:00

Fundur offers a range of farming funding options to meet your needs. We provide working capital loans, equipment financing, crop production financing, and even agricultural land purchase loans. Our goal is to support all aspects of your farming business.

The Benefits

How Asset Finance Can Help You

Preservation of Cash Flow

Instead of making a large upfront payment to purchase an asset outright, asset finance allows businesses to acquire the necessary equipment or assets while preserving their cash flow. It enables them to spread the cost over time through regular payments, making it easier to manage their working capital and allocate funds to other critical areas of the business.

Access To Equipment

Asset finance allows for the latest equipment & technologies without significant upfront costs. This is particularly beneficial in industries where equipment becomes quickly outdated or requires regular upgrades. By leasing or financing assets, businesses can stay competitive and maintain operational efficiency by using modern, high-quality equipment.

Flexibility & Customisation

Asset finance offers flexibility in terms of repayment structures and contract terms. Lenders often provide tailored solutions to match the specific needs and cash flow patterns of businesses. This allows borrowers to choose repayment schedules, such as monthly, quarterly, or seasonal payments, that align with their revenue generation cycles and business requirements.

Preservation of Credit Lines

Opting for asset finance helps businesses preserve their existing credit lines, such as bank loans or lines of credit, for other purposes. By not tying up their credit capacity in purchasing assets, businesses can maintain financial flexibility and have access to credit when needed for operational expenses, expansion, or unforeseen circumstances.

Tax Benefits

Depending on the jurisdiction and specific regulations, advantages can be provided. Lease payments are often treated as operating expenses, which may be tax-deductible, reducing the overall tax liability for the business. It’s important to consult with professionals or accountants to understand the specific tax implications and benefits applicable to your situation.

Risk Mitigation

In some cases, asset finance arrangements can include maintenance and servicing contracts, providing businesses with additional peace of mind. This can help mitigate the risks associated with asset ownership, as the responsibility for repairs, maintenance, and equipment obsolescence may be transferred to the lessor or financing company.

Overall, asset finance offers businesses and individuals the ability to acquire and utilize necessary assets while managing their cash flow effectively, accessing up-to-date equipment, and maintaining financial flexibility. It’s crucial to carefully evaluate the terms, costs, and conditions of asset finance options to ensure they align with the specific needs and financial objectives of the borrower.

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