Fundur – Serving motivated UK businesses ready for growth

Business Finance

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Business Finance2024-05-08T09:21:06+01:00

Business Finance Explained

Business finance has various different types and comes in different forms. For example, Debt Finance. This is a form of business finance which allows your business to borrow money, which you pay back with interest. This is a traditional form of finance and at Fundur, we specialise in providing options for this kind of financing.

Another form of business finance is known as factoring. Factoring involves selling receivables to a lender at a discount which will allow your business to receive immediate cash in exchange for money that is owed to you in the form of outstanding invoices.

Merchant Cash Advance

Predominantly used within the hospitality sector such as restaurants and hotels. Generate cash in exchange for customer card transactions.
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Commercial Asset Finance

Asset finance allows you to avoid the upfront cost associated with large purchases such as equipment, machinery, vehicles or refurbishments.
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Recovery Loans

Business loans can be used for any legitimate business purpose, you know your business and goals best, and you choose where to invest.
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Invoice Finance

Also known as accounts receivable factoring. Invoice Finance is a financing arrangement used by businesses to improve their cash flow by selling their outstanding invoices.
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Bridge Loans

A bridge loan is a short-term financing option that helps individuals or businesses bridge the gap between two major financial events.
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Acquisition Funding

Acquisition funding refers to the financial resources and capital raised to support the purchase of another company or business. It usually involves obtaining funds through equity financing.
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Our process is quick & simple

How does business finance work?

1. Submit your business finance enquiry in 60s.

1. Submit your business
finance enquiry in 60s.

Using our very easy-to-use business finance application form, you simply complete the required information.

Using our very easy-to-use business finance application form, you simply complete the required information.

2. A chat about your business and goals.

2. A chat about your business and goals.

A Fundur Finance Expert will give you a call to discuss your application to assist you with your application.

A Fundur Finance Expert will give you a call to discuss your application to assist you with your application.

3. Our Finance experts Work Our Magic.

3. Our Finance experts Work Our Magic.

We then work with our board of partners and lenders to get your the possible rate available.

We then work with our board of partners and lenders to get your the possible rate available.

4. Your no-fuss finance is funded.

4. Your no-fuss finance is funded.

Once you’ve approved the rate you’re happy with, your funding is released to your bank account. Time to scale.

Once you’ve approved the rate you’re happy with, your funding is released to your bank account. Time to scale.

Get Started Below

  • No impact on your credit profile

  • Regulated by the Financial Conduct of Authority

Business Finance FAQs

Can I repay earlier?2023-08-25T08:15:58+01:00

Early repayment is typically possible but contingent on your loan agreement’s terms. Be sure to check for prepayment penalties or restrictions. Repaying early can save on interest and benefit your business, but it’s important to communicate with the loan company, understand the process, and document the repayment. Consider financial implications and seek professional advice.

Why don’t I go straight to the lender?2023-08-10T12:57:27+01:00

Utilising a financial intermediary, like a loan broker or financial advisor, can offer advantages when seeking a business loan. These benefits include access to multiple lenders, expert guidance, time efficiency, negotiation assistance, addressing complex financing needs, comparative analysis of loan offers, application support, credit profile matching, ongoing relationship management, and objective advice. However, it’s important to consider any associated fees and decide based on your business’s needs and your comfort level with the lending process.

What interest rate do you charge?2023-08-24T12:42:44+01:00

We provide our clients with attractive interest rates when they seek business finance solutions. Currently, we initiate our interest rates at an advantageous 4% rate. It’s important to note that these rates are subject to fluctuations by variables like the financial product, the borrower’s creditworthiness, market conditions, and the terms of the loan or financing agreement.

What sort of financial information do you need?2023-08-25T08:16:35+01:00

We typically require various financial documents and information from clients. These may include financial statements, tax returns, bank statements, credit history, collateral details, budgets, and projections. Additionally, legal and industry-related documents, as well as information about the business’s ownership and management, might be requested. The specific requirements vary depending on the type of financing sought and the finance company’s policies. It’s essential to contact us if you are in need of more information.

How do I know if you’ll lend to my business?2023-08-24T12:45:24+01:00

Thanks to our extensive network of 300 lenders, our acceptance rate is incredibly high and we have an impressive acceptance rate of 99%. This means that the vast majority of businesses find suitable financing solutions through our platform. We’re dedicated to helping businesses like yours thrive by connecting you with the right financial opportunities tailored to your needs.

Here’s what success looks like

Success Stories

  • Reducing Monthly Scaffolding Costs and Boosting Cash Flow

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  • Recovery Loan for London Based Equipment Hire Company

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  • Facilitating Seamless Asset Purchase for Business Growth

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  • Securing A Swift & Flexible £500,000 Business Loan

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