Fundur – Serving motivated UK businesses ready for growth

Invoice Finance

With access to the best rates courtesy of over 300 lenders, we pair your business with the best-suited finance option.

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Invoice Finance2024-05-08T09:30:08+01:00

Invoice Financing Solutions

Invoice Finance, a dynamic and astute funding alternative, empowers enterprises to seamlessly navigate cash flow challenges by unlocking the potential trapped within their outstanding invoices. Fuel your growth, conquer operational frontiers, and harness untapped opportunities with instant liquidity at your fingertips.

It involves a process where a company sells its unpaid invoices to a third-party finance provider, such as a bank or a specialised invoice financing company, at a discounted rate.

Instead of waiting for customers to pay their outstanding invoices, the business can receive a significant portion of the invoice value upfront, typically ranging from 70% to 90%. At Fundur, we are the architects of tailored Invoice Finance strategies meticulously designed to harmonise with your distinct business aspirations.

Apply for Invoice Finance

Our process is quick & simple

How does applying for Invoice Financing work?

1. Submit your business finance enquiry in 60s.

1. Submit your business
finance enquiry in 60s.

Using our very easy-to-use business finance application form, you simply complete the required information.

Using our very easy-to-use business finance application form, you simply complete the required information.

2. A chat about your business and goals.

2. A chat about your business and goals.

A Fundur Finance Expert will give you a call to discuss your application to assist you with your application.

A Fundur Finance Expert will give you a call to discuss your application to assist you with your application.

3. Our Finance experts Work Our Magic.

3. Our Finance experts Work Our Magic.

We then work with our board of partners and lenders to get your the possible rate available.

We then work with our board of partners and lenders to get your the possible rate available.

4. Your no-fuss finance is funded.

4. Your no-fuss finance is funded.

Once you’ve approved the rate you’re happy with, your funding is released to your bank account. Time to scale.

Once you’ve approved the rate you’re happy with, your funding is released to your bank account. Time to scale.

What Can I Use Invoice Finance For?

  • Working Capital Management
  • Business Expansion
  • Investing In Opportunities
  • Seasonal Fluctuations
  • Staffing & Payroll
  • Debt Reduction

Invoice Funding FAQs

How does the application process for invoice finance with Fundur work?2023-09-04T13:52:51+01:00

Applying for invoice finance with Fundur is straightforward. Start by providing details about your business and outstanding invoices through our online application. Our team will evaluate your application and work with you to establish a financing arrangement that aligns with your working capital requirements.

How can businesses benefit from Fundur’s invoice finance options?2023-09-04T13:52:01+01:00

Businesses can benefit from Fundur’s invoice finance options in several ways:

  • Improved Cash Flow: Access funds tied up in unpaid invoices to meet immediate financial obligations.
  • Working Capital: Ensure the ability to cover operational expenses, invest in growth, and seize business opportunities.
  • Reduced Credit Risk: Transfer the risk of non-payment to the financing provider, enhancing financial stability.
Who is eligible to apply for invoice finance through Fundur?2023-09-04T13:51:01+01:00

Fundur’s invoice finance solutions are available to a broad spectrum of businesses, including B2B companies, startups, and established enterprises. Whether you’re a small business owner or manage a larger corporation, if you have unpaid invoices from creditworthy clients, you may be eligible for invoice finance.

How can Fundur assist businesses with Invoice Financing ?2023-09-04T13:49:52+01:00

Invoice finance, also known as accounts receivable financing, is a financial arrangement where businesses can access funds by selling their outstanding invoices to a lender at a discount. Fundur specialises in helping businesses secure working capital by leveraging their unpaid invoices. We offer invoice finance solutions that provide immediate access to cash, helping businesses maintain cash flow and meet their financial needs.

Sectors We Specialise In

Medical Recruitment

In the fast-paced world of healthcare staffing and medical recruitment, managing cash flow is essential to keep your operations running smoothly.

  • We specialise in serving medical recruitment companies and understand the unique challenges you face.

  • Immediate access to funds ensures you have the necessary capital to meet payroll and cover operational expenses.
  • With a stable cash flow, you can concentrate on expanding your business.
Construction Factoring

The construction sector often faces unique challenges, including delayed payments, fluctuating workloads, and seasonality.

Specialised invoice finance solutions can make a significant impact on your construction business.

  • Projects often involve varying payment schedules, which can disrupt your cash flow. Maintain financial stability with invoice financing.
  • Ensure prompt payments to your subcontractors and suppliers.
  • Access funds for business growth as needed without being tied to long-term loans.
Recruitment Finance

Focus on temporary staffing, permanent placements, or a combination of both with specialised invoice funding solutions.

  • Expand your agency, hire additional staff and invest in new technology.
  • Designed to meet your recruitment needs, accounting for variations in placements, payment terms, and client demands.
  • Ensure timely payments to your recruiters and provide reliable service to clients.
Trust & Security

Compliant, Regulated & Trusted

Fundur is regulated by the UK Financial Conduct of Authority and is a national, well-recognised and trusted finance brokerage. You can trust that Fundur will deliver you the best rate and amazing customer service to ensure your business is ready for scaling.

The Benefits

How Invoice Finance Can Help You

Improved Cash Flow

Allows you to access a portion of your outstanding invoices value before the customer has paid, meaning you can invest in growth, cover expenses and skip the payment waiting queue.

Access To Equipment

Invoice finance allows you to get access to the latest equipment & technologies. This is particularly beneficial in industries where equipment becomes quickly outdated or requires regular upgrades.

Business Growth

Access immediate working capital that can facilitate business expansion, whether that’s launching new products, entering new markets, getting more staff or investing.

Reduced Credit Risk

Working with invoice financing companies give you access to credit checking services so you can be aware of customers who have negative history of late payments.

Focus On Core Operations

With enhanced cash flow, you can focus on what you do best. Leave chasing payments and worrying about finances to us. You deserve to spend more time focusing on what you love and the reason why you are in business.

No New Debt

Invoice financing is not a form of loan, so businesses are not taking on additional debt to the business. Instead, it is a form of leveraging existing accounts receivable to generate cash flow.

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