Invoice financing and factoring are two distinct financial solutions that help businesses manage cash flow by leveraging outstanding invoices. While both options provide quick access to funds, they differ in process, cost, and risk management. Here’s a detailed comparison of invoice financing and factoring to help you understand which might be best for your business.

What is Invoice Financing?

Invoice financing, also known as accounts receivable financing, is a financial arrangement where businesses use their unpaid invoices as collateral to receive a cash advance from a lender. The business remains responsible for collecting payment from their customers.

How Does Invoice Financing Work?

  1. Invoice Submission: The business submits its unpaid invoices to a financing company.
  2. Advance Payment: The financing company advances a percentage of the invoice’s value, typically around 80-90%.
  3. Repayment: Once the customer pays the invoice, the business repays the advance plus a fee to the financing company.

Benefits of Invoice Financing

  • Retain Control: Businesses maintain control over their sales ledger and customer relationships.
  • Flexible Funding: Funding grows with your sales; the more invoices you have, the more cash you can access.

What is Factoring?

Factoring, or invoice factoring, involves selling your invoices to a factoring company at a discount. The factoring company then takes over the responsibility of collecting payments from your customers.

How Does Factoring Work?

  1. Invoice Sale: The business sells its invoices to a factoring company at a discount.
  2. Advance Payment: The factoring company advances a percentage of the invoice’s value, usually 70-85%.
  3. Collection: The factoring company collects the full invoice amount from the customer.
  4. Final Payment: Once the customer pays, the factoring company sends the remaining balance minus their fees to the business.

Benefits of Factoring

  • Improved Cash Flow: Immediate access to funds helps maintain steady cash flow.
  • Outsourced Collections: The factoring company handles the collections process, saving time and resources.
  • Reduced Credit Risk: The factoring company assumes the risk of customer non-payment, depending on the agreement.

Key Differences Between Invoice Financing and Factoring

Control and Customer Relationship

Invoice Financing: The business retains control over customer relationships and the collections process.

Factoring: The factoring company takes over the collections process, which might impact customer relationships.

Risk Management

Invoice Financing: The business assumes the credit risk of customer non-payment.

Factoring: The factoring company may assume the credit risk, depending on the type of factoring (recourse or non-recourse).

Cost Structure

Invoice Financing: Typically has lower fees compared to factoring, as the business retains collection responsibilities.

Factoring: Generally involves higher fees due to the additional services provided by the factoring company.


Invoice Financing: Ideal for businesses that want to maintain control over their receivables and customer relationships.

Factoring: Suitable for businesses looking for immediate cash flow improvement and are willing to outsource the collections process.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Between Invoice Financing and Factoring

Business Size and Type

Small Businesses: May prefer invoice financing for lower costs and control.

Larger Businesses: Might opt for factoring to manage large volumes of invoices and reduce administrative burdens.

Customer Creditworthiness

Strong Customer Base: If your customers have good credit, invoice financing can be more cost-effective.

Varied Customer Base: Factoring might be better if your customers’ creditworthiness varies, as it can mitigate credit risk.

Industry Practices

B2B Businesses: Both options are widely used in business-to-business sectors.

Seasonal Industries: Factoring can be beneficial for industries with seasonal cash flow fluctuations.


If you’re looking to improve your cash flow and streamline your financial operations, consider exploring invoice financing or factoring with FUNDUR.

Explore our website to learn more about how our services can benefit your business. If you have any questions, or would like to know more about our services, give us a call on   01908 732020 .

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Founder of Fundur

Written by Max Spinelli

Max Spinelli, the visionary force propelling Fundur to new heights as your unwavering partner in achieving financial success.
With an unyielding commitment to excellence and a proven track record of curating bespoke financial solutions.

Founder of Fundur

Written by Max Spinelli

Max Spinelli, the visionary force propelling Fundur to new heights as your unwavering partner in achieving financial success.
With an unyielding commitment to excellence and a proven track record of curating bespoke financial solutions.

Max Spinelli, the visionary force propelling Fundur to new heights as your unwavering partner in achieving financial success. With an unyielding commitment to excellence and a proven track record of curating bespoke financial solutions.