Starting or expanding a business often requires additional capital, which many entrepreneurs secure through business loans. However, one crucial question arises: How does a business loan affect my credit score? Understanding this impact is vital for any business owner as it influences both personal and business financial health.

A business loan can help your business grow, but it’s important to understand how it might impact your credit score. Both your personal and business credit scores can be affected by how you manage your loan. This article will explain these effects, cover the main factors influencing credit scores, and provide tips on managing your credit health while using business loans.

Understanding Credit Scores

Personal vs. Business Credit Scores

Personal Credit Score: This score reflects your personal financial behaviour, including how you manage debts like credit cards, mortgages, and personal loans. Personal credit scores typically range from 300 to 850.

Business Credit Score: This score assesses the creditworthiness of your business based on factors such as business debt, payment history, and company size. Business credit scores usually range from 0 to 100.

Factors Influencing Credit Scores

Payment History: Payments that are on time will positively impact your score, while late or missed payments can significantly lower it.

Credit Utilisation: High balances relative to your credit limit can harm your score.

Length of Credit History: Older accounts contribute positively.

Credit Mix: A variety of credit types (credit cards, loans, etc.) can boost your score.

New Credit: Frequent new credit applications can lower your score temporarily.

How Business Loans Affect Personal Credit Scores

Direct Impact

Personal Guarantee: Many business loans require a personal guarantee, meaning you are personally liable if your business defaults. This can affect your personal credit score.

Credit Inquiries: Applying for a business loan usually results in a hard inquiry on your personal credit report, which can temporarily lower your score.

Debt Utilisation: If the loan appears on your personal credit report, it increases your overall debt, impacting your credit utilisation ratio.

Indirect Impact

Payment History: Consistent, on-time payments on your business loan can indirectly benefit your personal credit score by building a positive credit history.

Credit Mix: Adding a business loan can diversify your credit portfolio, which may positively influence your score over time.

How Business Loans Affect Business Credit Scores

Direct Impact

Payment Behaviour: Timely payments on your business loan directly improve your business credit score, while late payments can severely damage it.

Credit Utilisation: Maintaining a low balance relative to your business credit limit helps keep your business credit score healthy.

Credit History: Establishing and maintaining a business loan can lengthen your business credit history, benefiting your score.

Building Business Credit

Separate Finances: Keep personal and business finances separate to build a strong business credit profile.

Vendor Accounts: Establish credit lines with vendors and pay on time to build credit.

Monitor Credit Reports: Regularly review your business credit reports for accuracy and to track your progress.

Tips for Managing Credit Health with Business Loans

  1. Choose the Right Loan: Select a business loan that suits your needs and repayment capacity.
  2. Timely Payments: Always pay your loan instalments on time to avoid negative impacts on both personal and business credit scores.
  3. Monitor Credit Reports: Regularly check both personal and business credit reports for errors and to understand how your loan affects your credit.
  4. Maintain Low Utilisation: Keep your credit balances low relative to your limits.
  5. Plan for the Future: Consider how taking on debt now will affect your ability to secure future financing.


Will applying for a business loan hurt my personal credit score?

Yes, applying for a business loan can result in a hard inquiry on your personal credit report, which may lower your score temporarily.

Can a business loan improve my credit score?

Yes, timely payments on a business loan can positively impact your personal and business credit scores over time.

What happens if my business defaults on a loan?

If you provided a personal guarantee, the default could severely damage your personal credit score. It will also negatively affect your business credit score.

How can I check my business credit score?

You can check your business credit score through credit reporting agencies like Dun & Bradstreet, Experian, and Equifax.


We hope we have helped you gather an understanding on how a business loan can affect your credit score. Understanding this is very important for maintaining both personal and business financial health. By managing your loan responsibly, you can minimise negative impacts and potentially enhance your credit scores. 

Here at FUNDUR, we are a leading financial services provider dedicated to helping small businesses and entrepreneurs achieve their financial goals. With years of experience in the industry, we offer a comprehensive range of business loan options tailored to meet your needs. Our team of financial experts understands the challenges faced by business owners and is committed to providing personalised support and guidance every step of the way. 

FUNDUR is here to support you every step of the way. Whether you are looking to secure your first business loan or need advice on managing your credit health, our team of experts is ready to assist you. 

Get in touch on 01908 732020 and a member of the team will be happy to assist you. Alternatively, please complete our online contact form and we will be in touch as soon as possible. 

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Written by Max Spinelli

Max Spinelli, the visionary force propelling Fundur to new heights as your unwavering partner in achieving financial success.
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Founder of Fundur

Written by Max Spinelli

Max Spinelli, the visionary force propelling Fundur to new heights as your unwavering partner in achieving financial success.
With an unyielding commitment to excellence and a proven track record of curating bespoke financial solutions.

Max Spinelli, the visionary force propelling Fundur to new heights as your unwavering partner in achieving financial success. With an unyielding commitment to excellence and a proven track record of curating bespoke financial solutions.